The 5-day long “All Hands on Deck” session held by the MCRM Restoration Department was very successful. The volunteers really did an outstanding job and performed an immense amount of work in a matter of a few days.
The tremendously successful “All Hands on Deck” Session was held during June 26th to the 30th and we had a total of 32 different volunteers participating in the event, with an average of 20 volunteers per day. In total the volunteers put in over 800 hours of work during this session.
Anyone walking in the MCRM Car Shop after this event will notice a significant difference in the appearance of the cars that were worked on. The progress made during this session exceeded the expectations and this was achieved due to the support, commitment and hard work of the volunteers. Progress made during the 5-day All Hands on Deck Session is summarized below. Note that several of the photos capture the status of the projects before and after the All Hands on Deck session.
Duluth South Shore & Atlantic Sleeping car DULUTH: Installed new veneer pieces under the windows in the smoking room and one in the sleeping compartment, installed the new window header (veneer with marquetry) in the smoking room, installed the headliner trim on the west side of the smoking room, applied canvas and painted to the two headliners for the smoking room (east side), installed filler pieces in the sleeping compartment lamp openings, installed cleats along the edge of the original veneer ceiling panels in the sleeping compartment, installed one new piece of bending plywood in the sleeping compartment ceiling, removed the remaining clerestory window frames from the car, primed and cut new car siding to length, installed a portion of the car siding on the east and west sides (approximately 30%) and took delivery of three new interior doors, two mirror frames and four vestibule end windows.
East Jordan & Southern #2: Painted the entire exterior of the car with the EJ&S green, sanded and varnished the interior the entire passenger section of the car as well as the saloon (multiple coats), installed the lower inner window stops, painted the brake beams, trimmed bolts to length under the car, sanded the seat footrests and cleaned and painted the car body end rails.

Lake Superior & Ishpeming #64: Reconstructed the car framing for the two oval windows, installed the car siding around the two oval windows, installed the last of the straight battens on the car, primed the entire exterior of the car, cut and fit the window frames on the east side of the car, primed ten of the window frames, sanded much of the interior woodwork, cleaned and painted the car body end rails and cleaned up springs for the window frames.

Rock Island #1094: Removed the last of the cabinets and sink in the baggage room, scraped and painted the north half of the baggage room including the clerestory area, the water tanks and the side walls. Reconstructed the south doorway in the bunk area, replaced missing and deteriorated headliner boards in the bunk area and baggage room and made a mockup of the bunk side rails.

I’d like to thank all of the amazing volunteers who put in a tremendous amount of work during the past 5 days! Special thanks are also extended to the volunteers that prepared all of the meals for the entire crew during the session as well as the MCRM operating crew that took the group on the Pizza Train ride.
Volunteers participating in the event included: Peter, Jeff Ha., Owen, Judy, Darryl, Larry S. Jack, Jerry F., Fred, Bob R., David P., Gregg, Jane, Steven M., Larry T., Steve W., Bob B., Dean, Jerry M., Marty, Thomas, Altha, Kelly, Nate, Jay, Steve P., Dan P., Colton, Jeff Hu., David M., John T. and I. Please accept my apologies if I omitted the name(s) any of the volunteers that participated.
Thanks again to everyone that participated in the session and helped to make it a huge success. Our next volunteer work session is scheduled for July 13, 14 and 15.