Builders of Wooden Railway Cars ... and some of other stuff
Notes on St. Louis Car Co.

Peter Kling -- (1852-1910+) Born Denmark, came to US 1871, became citizen 1877

Began career as self-taught wagon builder but became skilled mechanic.

"By mid-80s had developed ideas on streetcar design he believed to be far superior to those used in other plants." Seeing he had no opportunity, he was more than willing to leave Brownell.

Was plant superintendent with Brownell. Left 1887 to form StLCC.

Promoted to VP and GM in 1890 when J.H. Kobusch ousted incumbent Pres & Treas and assumed those positions himself.

In 1891 Kling designed electric power truck to replace horse car type trucks heretofore used which did not stand up to hard usage. By end of year design was patented and introduced to market. "Simplicity of construction ... " (Search for patent???)

In 1894, StLCC single truck was modified substantially and Kling designed a new double truck that came to market that year. (Search for patent???)

Was VP and chief engineer after move to Baden, but was not well prepared to "manage" a large plant. Was more inclined to build first and design later.

As he got older he got almost as conservative as Brownell.

In 1900 census at St Louis, MO. "Secy. St. Louis Car Wrks."

Resigned in 1900 to accept similar post with John Stephenson Co. (See "K" file for patents.) in NJ.

1910 census at Union Co., NJ, has a Peter M. Kling, 54, b. Denmark, "Car Builder" -- that's our guy!

Albert H. Sisson (1836?- ) abruptly resigned from Jewett Car Company in April 1905 to become general manager of St. Louis Car Company, presumably to position himself for a better future in the great electric car builder merger. He had come with the company "from Jewett" which would be about 1900.

Check out Sisson's employment with St. Louis Car Co. Perhaps other bio. info.

Sisson went to Southern Car Co. in High Point NC sometime before 1916 to try to resurrect that company. Company nevertheless went belly-up in 1917.

The book on Perley Thomas says he was a "management veteran of competitive streetcar manufacturers like the St. Louis Car Company and Forsyth Brothers Company of Chicago."

The PROCEEDINGS of the American Transit Association for 1912 lists A.H. Sisson as General Manager of Forsyth Brothers Co. at 31 E. Indiana St. in Chicago.