Passenger Cars of the Colorado Central

Coach UPD&G #193

Pullman UPD&G 1896 C&S 1899 C&S 1906
Tourist Sleeper #466 Coach #193 #153 #62


DL&G Coach #193 at Empire Junction, 7 August 1894

(1) UPD&G Coach #193 (right) and friend at Empire Junction, 7 August 1894. Photo at Digerness3-294, Hauck-101(u), Morgan/GTL-12 and Poor-283(ME). Nice new coat of paint, lettering and striping. This side has only 13 windows, but the other has a true 7 pair (14).


The heritage of UPD&G coach #193 as a former Pullman “tourist sleeper” can be seen by the pairing of windows in the photo above. The single window at the left end is due to the Baker heater, which required more space than the ordinary stove, but provided much more even, hot-water heat. The other side of the car had a full seven pairs of windows.

Besides the paired, double-pane windows, characteristic of Pullman construction, coach #193 had bullnose platform roofs, and a belt-rail running the full length of the car.

C&S coach #62 - right side

(2) C&S coach #62 - right side - Como, 1938. May be found at Ferrell/C&S-209.


Car #466 was one of ten “tourist sleepers” built to plan 701 by the Pullmans Palace Car Company (lot #1612) in July and August of 1889 for service on the Denver & Rio Grande. {1} These cars, numbered #461-#470, had 12 sections rather than the usual 10 for narrow gauge cars. #466 was later refitted to have only 10 sections, but it is uncertain just when. {2} (It is interesting to note that on the C&S passenger car diagram for this car ca. 1916, that the seat to the right of each end door (as you enter) is a single seat: for what reason remains unknown.)

Pullman sold car #466 to the Union Pacific, Denver & Gulf in 1896 for $1,250, and the UPD&G promptly converted it to a [presumably first-class] coach, {2} {3} and numbered it #193.

(This presents an interesting conundrum, since authorities are agreed on the 1896 date of sale, while both authors—Digerness, whose captions are often wrong about dates, and Poor, whose captions are viewed as authoritative—agree on the 1894 date of the photograph. If not sold to the UPD&G until 1896, and used in D&RG Pullman service, how does #193 show up in UPD&G colors in 1894?)

When the Colorado & Southern inherited #193 in 1899, it was renumbered #153. When the C&S renumbered cars in 1906, it was renumbered #62.

In 1938, coach #62 was stripped down and converted to a bunk car for the use of the line’s dismantler, Platt Rogers, Inc. It was dismantled in May 1939 and the body sold to Chris Sorenson of Longmont, Colorado.


14 April 2006

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