Passenger Cars of the South Park

Coach #7 - Page 2


 U.P. 1885  DL&G 1889  C&S 1899 C&S c. 1904  C&S 1906 C&S 1922
 #7  #56  #56  #154 Coach-baggage #129  #28 Scale Test Car #99362

HISTORY (Continued)

C&S #28 was converted to a standard gauge scale test car, numbered #99362 as of 30 September 1922. It was mounted on standard gauge trucks when necessary, and used all over the road for the next 18 years. It was dismantled in June 1936. The body was used for awhile as a crew shed at Uva, Wyoming, before being rescued by a private party who now uses it as a family museum.

Side view of C&S combination baggage-coach #28 (4) Side view of C&S combination baggage-coach #28.
Original decoration has been preserved (5) Original decoration has been preserved. Note the "28" painted over the ampersand in D,SP&PRR.
Interior of C&S #28. (6) Interior of C&S #28. Beautiful woodwork, lovingly restored!


The history presented above represents the best contemporary research, but it does not agree with any of the published Colorado & Southern rosters.

All published C&S rosters agree that there was a coach-baggage car numbered #129, and that this car was renumbered #28 in 1906 (or 1911). They also agree on the disposition of this car. The rosters in Ferrell/C&S, Kindig and Poole go no further, as their interest is limited to the C&S. The roster in Wagner (earliest of the four) attempts to connect the C&S numbers with their predecessors, but with mixed success. (Perhaps the others took a cue from his lack of success and limited their objectives accordingly.)

Wagner says baggage-mail #113 (DL&G baggage-mail-express #1300) was converted to coach-baggage #129 in 1902. He agrees with everyone else that coach-baggage #129 was renumbered #28 in 1906. He also says C&S coach #154 was off the roster by 1904, without comment as to where it went. Neither Ferrell/C&S, Kindig nor Poole, make any mention of a coach #154, although all contain #153 and #155.

Ken Martin—who wrote the passenger car narrative for Poole


Agrees baggage-mail-express #113 was the former DL&G baggage-mail-express #1300.


Sees the conversion of a baggage-mail-express car (#113) to a coach-baggage car (#129) as an unprecedented conversion. The truss-work in the sides of the baggage-mail-express car would have to be completely rebuilt to make way for the windows.


Believes baggage-mail-express #113 was converted to a plain baggage car about 1902 when baggage car #103 was destroyed. Instead of replacing #103 on the roster, the C&S converted #113 to a plain baggage car and assigned it the next open number, which was #105. (See arguments and chart on Baggage-mail-express #42 page.)


Thinks the reason coach #154 disappeared from the roster in 1906 was that it had been converted to a coach-baggage car and became #129, which was later renumbered #28, as everyone agrees.

5.   Has seen the decoration shown in photo #4 up close and believes he sees a stylized #7 at the bottom, below where the #28 has been painted over the ampersand in “D,SP&P.”

We consider Kens arguments well-reasoned and persuasive (at least until someone presents better ones).


08 April 2006

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