Passenger Cars of the South Park

Pullman Palace "South Park" - Page 2


U.P. 1885 UPD&G 1892 / 1894 C&S 1899 C&S 1911
Pullman South Park Pullman South Park Coach #176 / Business #1 #B-1 #910

HISTORY (Continued)

In 1894, coach #176 was rebuilt again, this time into a business car, and became UPD&G Business Car #1.

Union Pacific, Denver & Gulf Business car #1

(3) Union Pacific, Denver & Gulf Business car #1 (left) and Denver, Leadville & Gunnison Business car #2 (right) just east of Atlantic, 1895. This is a detail from an H.H. Buckwalter photo. It can be found at Chappell-77(d), Ferrell/SoPk-150, Kindig-307, Speas-120, and online (Image CHS-B593 in the Denver Public Library's Western History Collection).

When the Colorado & Southern succeeded the Denver, Leadville & Gunnison and the Union Pacific, Denver & Gulf in 1899, UPD&G Business Car #1 entered the C&S roster as “Official” car #010, but it was shortly assigned the designation B-1, and was so lettered 12 August 1899. In 1906 (or 1911) it was renumbered #910, and served faithfully until dismantled 10 March 1929.

C&S Business Car #910 in its last year, 1929

(4) (Above) Right side of C&S Business Car #910 in its last year, 1929. This is part of a photo attributed to the Colorado & Southern Railway. It can be found at Digerness2-38, Kindig-269 and Poole-208.

(5) (Below) Left side of same special train consisting of C&S business cars #911 and #910. It can be found at Beebe-147(u), Digerness2-103, Kindig-283, and Speas-83.
Left side of C&S Business Car #910 in its last year, 1929


21 July 2006

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