Mid-July 2015 C&NW 1385 Update
Although updates have been a bit sparse of late, activity on the Chicago & North Western #1385 has continued forging ahead. The work completed in the last few months is not the kind that make great headlines, yet all of it is equally important toward achieving an operational 1385. Without further delay, here is the latest:
- The driving boxes, shoes, wedges and hub liners are all now complete, save any modifications needed for grease or oil lubrication and any adjustments found necessary at final assembly of installing the drivers into the frame.
- The footplate has been fitted, holes reamed, and tapered bolts installed to hold it place.
- The locomotive’s spring rigging has been fully rebuilt. It is being installed onto the frame and will be stored in place unless it proves to be in the way of other work.
- Most recently, work has begun on the machining and renewal of the connecting rods and bushings.
Other tasks coming up in the near future (In no particular order) include:
- Rebuilding of the front truck. The wheels on the front truck are currently being assessed as to whether they can simply be re-profiled and still offer adequate service life, or whether replacement is necessary.
- Renewal and machining of the valve cages.
- Cleaning/polishing of the finished rods.
- Boring of the cylinders.
- Cleaning and test fitting of the valve gear to determine wear and repairs needed.
The 1385’s new boiler is nearing the end of the engineering review phase and is expected to enter the build phase within the next several months. The boiler will be discussed further in a future post.
Photos provided by Brian Allen. View full album at https://www.flickr.com/photos/7777754@N08/sets/72157655692852722